Saturday, November 05, 2005

When will they learn??

This is an exerpt from an interesting article by David Limbaugh I read today:
Fox's Bret Baier interviewed the army's Deputy Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. James Lovelace, who said a new IED training facility is opening in Iraq to prepare incoming soldiers for the ever-changing tactics of the enemy.
"We're making every opportunity to take lessons learned and within 24 hours be able to teach that and put that back out in the field so that the leaders and the soldiers know what they're up against," said Lovelace. He said that 40 percent of the IEDs are found and identified before they blow and the casualty rate for each attack is down 45 percent.
My immediate reaction, and I would hope that of most Americans, was, "Our brave soldiers are facing daunting challenges in Iraq from a ruthless enemy and are doing everything they can to overcome them. But above all, they're dedicated to the cause of Iraqi autonomy and freedom and American security."
That was not everyone's reaction. Fox's cameras next turned to Senate Democrats Barbara Boxer and Chris Dodd, who had just emerged from a meeting with the U.S. ambassador to Iraq and were chomping at the bit to slam the administration for its "lack of strategy" on Iraq.
Dodd said, "A lot more needs to be done to get this right or you're going to continue to see an erosion of support here at home and abroad for these policies which have no end in sight."
Boxer said, "There's a growing frustration, I think, on both sides of the aisle at how slowly the training of the Iraqi troops and police force is going."

Let's look first at what Dodd said "A lot more needs to be done to get this right or you're going to continue to see an erosion of support here at home and abroad for these policies which have no end in sight"
Does he even think about what he is saying? We teach our children to think before they speak, yet these liberal politicians don't know any better. I hear so much everyday coming from democrats who hate Bush so much they criticize everything American.
Any so-called 'erosion of support' would obviously stem from the constant barrage of Democrat's objections to the War on Terror, not from a lack of getting things done.
Let's look at what has been done. Saddam Hussein has been captured and is going on trial for his horrible crimes, Iraq has a new constitution, the Iraqi army is being trained to defend its country. Yes, maybe alot more does need to be done, but let us not forget that so much has already been accomplished.
Okay, now to address Ms. Boxer. She said, "There's a growing frustration, I think, on both sides of the aisle at how slowly the training of the Iraqi troops and police force is going." Just how slowly is the training going? These men have to endure constant worry of suicide bombings and attack from their enemy. How fast could you work under such conditions Ms. Boxer?? These men can't just call a 'closed door session'. They are in the real world.
I think there is a 'growing frustration' though not the one Barbara Boxer is referring to. I am growing frustrated with the people who supposedly run our country yet don't even like it. They only see partisan lines. They are themselves like little clones all chanting the Anti-Bush mantra. These politicians do more harm than good with their comments. Yet, I have not heard a solution from any of them.


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