Thursday, June 22, 2006

Update on WMD in Iraq

Fox News has the story. Hannity & Colmes did nothing but argue over the story last night. Sean Hannity of course thinks this is wonderful news, and fully expects many liberals to start apologizing for calling Bush a liar. Alan Colmes, on the other hand says these WMD's don't dispute the fact that he thinks Bush lied... he says these aren't the right WMD's.

How many WMD's do we have to find before these whiny liberals will shut up? We capture Saddam Hussein and put him on trial, we kill Al-Zarqawi, and now we find the WMD's the democrats insist weren't in Iraq, yet they still insist we are losing the war, Bush is a liar, and America sucks.

We are winning in Iraq, just don't try telling that to the liberals.


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