Friday, November 18, 2005

The Left Coast

I used to always hear that California might fall into the ocean. I think that time is here metaphorically. There were two new laws voted into existence in San Francisco on November 8th. The first was a city wide ban on handguns.
Supervisor Chris Daly, who proposed the measure, cited statistics that show most homocides in the city involve handguns. WOW!! This is one intelligent guy. In light of his recent discovery that murderers use guns, he proposed a law that now prevents people from protecting their own lives, and their families' lives as well. Citizens of San Francisco, what is wrong with you? You just voted to give up the right to protect yourselves!
Let's consider another city that already has a ban on guns. Washington D.C. seems to be doing okay. Just check out their crime statistics compared to the rest of the country.
A Washington Post article states:
"According to the FBI, the District has the highest violent
crime rate in the nation of any city over 500,000 people.
Its homicide rate is eight times higher than the rest of the
country and four times higher than similarly sized Ft. Worth,
Texas. The comparison is apt. Texas has some of the
most constitutional gun laws in the country."
In San Francisco, 58% of the voters wanted the gun ban, 42% voted against it. Current handgun owners will have to turn in their guns by April. I wonder how many of those murderers Mr. Daly was so surprised about will be turning in their guns along with the rest of the citizens?
The second measure voted in on November 8th was a ban on military recruiters in schools. The College not Combat organization was behind this proposition. Do San Franciscans recognize they are still part of this country?
Apparently the decision to ban recruiting in schools is due to gays feeling slighted by the military's 'Don't ask/Don't tell' policy. This is what Katrina Yeaw, organizer for the Campus Anti-War Network (CAN) at SF State said, "Now it's our turn here at SF State to tell the anti-gay military that they're not welcome on our campus." Oh, so it is a political statement. They want to hurt the military because the gays feel alienated.
I wonder if San Franciscans still expect the military to protect them, regardless of the message they sent with this new ban on military recruiting.
The propostion won with a 60%-40% vote. It had a lot of support from many organizations around San Francisco including American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, San Francisco & Al-Awda, San Francisco . Big supporters of the palestinians, who if you remember called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth. Another advocate was the San Francisco Mexican American Political Association, who took time out from bolstering illegal immigration to the U.S. to help slap our military in the face. Propostion I was also supported by several socialist organizations, such as Peace and Freedom Party & Freedom Socialist Party. It's a good thing none of these organizations have ulterior motives in damaging the United States military, or the U.S. in general.
If you want to call Mayor Gavin Newsome to congratulate him or ask him just what they are thinking out there, call (415) 554-6141, Fax (415) 554-6160, or email Mr. Newsome


At 3:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, a devout Buddhist would refuse to pick up a gun even if his life was threatened and someone offered him one. Does this make him stupid as you suggest in your article, or principled?

And do you not believe in Democracy? Apparently not. When the majority in a jurisdiction votes for the laws that will govern them, but, you don't agree, do you really think they are wrong and you are right from a democratic point of view.


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