Friday, May 12, 2006

U.S. Border Patrol Local 2544

Here is the website for local 2544. It is one of the best responses to illegal aliens & all their blatantly defiant protests I have seen. There is a lot of interesting information, opinion, and tons of stuff you don't hear about from the MSM.

This is just a sampling of the site:

The Sell-Out Continues - According to Ted Kennedy, Americans support amnesty for illegal aliens (he calls it "earned citizenship", which means you break laws to "earn" your citizenship). Hey Teddy, we are Americans, and we don't support anything you're doing. You are a disgrace. Make sure you count us out when you lie to everyone about the "broad support" your amnesty plan enjoys. While you're at it, tell the AFL-CIO to take a hike as well. They are equally disgraceful when it comes to selling this country down the drain. Read an article on the "new" Senate plan here. 05-11-06

Read an article quoting former Tucson Sector agent Scott James here (we can verify that he did, in fact, quit in complete "disgust" when he left here some months ago). 05-12-06

Mexico's Hypocrisy - While they demand that we open the floodgates for millions of illegal Mexican immigrants, take a look at the inhumane way they treat illegal aliens in Mexico. Another example of Vicente having El Presidente Bush completely FOXed. Click here. 04-29-06

Allowing a Massive Invasion is OK, but a "Massive Deportation" is a No-No - After sitting idly by for years while millions of illegal aliens invaded the country, President Bush has decided that any "massive deportation" is not "realistic". Mr. Bush have you ever thought that maybe if you crack down harder on employers with REAL enforcement and heavy fines they'll stop hiring illegal aliens and many, if not most, of the illegal aliens will go home on their own? "Can't get a job? Can't get welfare? Well, maybe we should go home and fix our country rather than stealing jobs in America." Put our unemployed to work in the "jobs Americans won't do". Read the latest propaganda from El Presidente here. 04-24-06

Check out their site for all of the stories. Good reading.


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