Monday, June 05, 2006

Toronto police Chief Bill Blair says the 17 men arrested in a Canadian terror plot were, “motivated by an ideology based on politics, hatred and terrorism, and not on faith,”

What he isn't saying, is that ideology is called Islam.

According to a Toronto Star article, police claim the terrorists were involved in a plot to stage a massive terrorist attack with explosives made from three tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer — three times the amount used in the Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168 people in 1995.

Farhad Oryakhim, 17, an employee at an east-end shop, said he’s concerned about how Muslims in Canada are going to be treated in the wake of the arrests.
“It’s going to be a pretty hard time now,” Oryakhim said. ``After this incident, people are going to look at the Muslims from a dangerous view.”
Oryakhim said he fears that non-Muslim customers will stop patronizing businesses in the area that are run by Muslims.
“It’s going to hurt our businesses,” he said. “Our life.”

If moderate Muslims are against the violent attacks perpetrated by terrorists, it is time for them to publicly denounce the violence. It is time for them to stand up against radical Islam. They worry that people will boycott their businesses now, they are afraid they will be hurt financially. What kind of financial implications would an attack of this size have had on Canada’s economy? It is time for the moderate, non-violent Muslims to speak out against these terrorists. It is time to take a stand. If they don’t differentiate themselves from the terrorists, how can anyone else? If they sit silently, they are not much better than the bad guys.


At 5:54 PM, Blogger Cathy said...

That was my immediate response to those news reports. Where was the word "Islam"? Unbelievable.


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