Abraham Lincoln said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
We are destroying ourselves. We have become so complacent and engrossed in what Paris Hilton is doing, or who is getting kicked off American Idol, we don’t care about the monumental changes happening right under our noses. We complain that we have to vote for the lesser of two evils, or we don’t vote at all. Our apathy will destroy this country.
Our elected officials are abusing their power! We had the Boston Tea Party for lesser offenses than the ones being committed by our leaders right now. It is time to fight back. The Declaration of Independence tells us, it is not only our right, but our duty to fight back against the government when they abuse the powers we gave them. Billions of dollars are spent on wasteful projects every year by Congress. They spend all their time on partisan bickering and showboat non-binding resolutions that mean nothing. Congress is actually wasting time worrying about changing light bulbs1 and impeaching Dick Cheney, while not funding our troops.
Whether we agree on the war in Iraq or not, the soldiers are there NOW. Congress voted to send them. We cannot have leaders who are so busy politicking; they won't even send the troops needed funds in the middle of a war.
Illegal Immigrants will take trillions of dollars in federal funds (welfare, education, etc...) They will receive $21,000 more in funds than they pay in taxes each year. It is not fair to people waiting to come into the United States legally when illegal aliens sneak in and are given amnesty, free education, and welfare. It is not fair to us (the people going to work daily to pay the taxes2) that our money is being used to support even one person who broke the law to get here.
New Haven, Connecticut is a sanctuary city. Mayor John DeStefano is about to slap the rest of the U.S. in the face by giving illegal immigrants free ID cards so they can open bank accounts and register cars. In a recent poll in the New York Times, 69% of Americans want illegal aliens deported. Searching out and deporting 12-20 million illegal immigrants is not feasible. But when we come across them, especially those who commit crimes, we cannot turn our backs and look the other way. I have seen massive illegal immigrant protests with hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens waving Mexican flags and yelling about their rights. YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS!!! YOU BROKE THE LAW TO GET HERE!!! Can someone please explain to me, where else can you break in and then demand you have rights? Ted Kennedy (D. Mass) says it is time for illegal aliens to come out of the shadows. Mr. Kennedy, I don’t know what hole you have your head in, but they are out of the shadows. Just look in front of Home Depot in the morning.
The United States is a nation of laws. Certain groups should not be given preferential treatment and be allowed to blatantly break laws. We need to let our elected officials know we will not tolerate this disregard for our laws or our sovereignty. Countries have borders for a reason. Almost every terror attack that has been thwarted since 9/11 involves terrorists who entered or stayed in this country illegally. Bush likes to talk about Mexicans doing the jobs Americans won’t do. It is time for us to do the job our elected leaders won’t do! Seal the borders! Get rid of leaders who tax us to death (literally) just so they can spend our earnings for special interests. Anyone managing a business can do a better job than congress does with spending and the budget. If a publicly owned company had accounting practices like the government does, the company would be investigated and shut down faster than you can say Enron.
1. The new light bulbs being touted by environmentalists and congress as earth friendly contain mercury. There are more warnings on the new bulbs than there would be on a pack of cigarettes soaked in gasoline. One woman had to pay thousands of dollars for an EPA cleanup after she broke one of the bulbs in her daughter’s bedroom.
2. About 50% of all the money you earn is taken by the government for taxes, and when you die the government will take 50% of what you have left for what is called Death Tax.
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