Monday, September 26, 2005

PETA Propaganda Aimed At Your Child

I read an article this week about PETA that was shocking. It seems they are killing more than 6 times the amount of animals they save.
Here is their response:

If you want a real surprise check out the propaganda they are aiming at our children. They use celebrities, comics, and trading cards to reel young people in. I guess when you are a group of loonies, you have to start recruiting young.

The "Your Daddy Kills" is the second comic book they have released. They will be handing these little 'comic books' out at fishing competitions and tackle shops near you. The first book was called "Your Mommy Kills"

While you are on their website, make sure you check out the page they devote to scaring your kids into not drinking milk.

This all looks pretty hypocritical to me... P.E.T.A. tries to scare the kids into malnutrition, all the while killing thousands of animals they are supposed to be finding homes for. Why do people fall for this kind of baloney? (sorry couldn't resist that one) If you really want to help animals, have your pets spayed or neutered, and give to your local pound or animal shelter. Don't waste your money on these nuts whose only real mission is to influence your children to join the ranks of the loonies.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

United We Stand?? sound familiar??

I would like to address the Pledge of Allegiance problem we seem to be having right now in America. Notice how I reminded you we are in America. I am happy to live here. I can do whatever I want with my life. I can wear what I want. I can vote.
I do not understand those who are so unhappy with this country that they can't say the Pledge of Allegiance anymore. This isn't about the use of the word God in my opinion. God is a very loose term. God can mean any number of things, Buddha, a Christian God, or Zeus to name a few. The term God can even be used to mean good old Mother Nature. It is meant to show that we know our government isn't the most powerful entity in the universe.
The path our country is going down worries me. Not because we use the word God in public. Because some people are so eager to undermine what was once a strong powerful nation. Am I alone in thinking that we should be proud. We should be patriotic. We should stand up and say the Pledge outloud. If more Americans stood together as a nation, when the terrorists came around next time they wouldn't have a chance. They like when we fight and point fingers at each other. It makes their job easier.
What do these liberals have in mind next? Are they going to try to convince us to boycott money until the words "In God We Trust" are removed? Will they call for a nationwide spending freeze. I wouldn't doubt it. I wouldn't put it past them. Don't we have more important things to think about this week?
I'm happy I am an American. I said the Pledge in the kitchen with my kids this morning. They know they are lucky to be here. They have bright futures. Unless we keep letting the liberals strip away our rights. That is what they are doing. They will tell you they are fighting for your rights, but they are really just weakening the strength of our country. Our home.
Anyone who doesn't like America can get out. Let me repeat that... IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT HERE, GO SOMEPLACE ELSE!!! All you whining liberals who are more worried about the rights of violent, murdering, criminals over the rights of law abiding American citizens can get the Hell out. Try Canada, Cuba, China or Afganistan. See how you like it. See what rights you have there. You may have the right to free speech in the United States, but you also have the right to do the right thing.