Robin Williams' Peace Plan
Here is Robin Williams' Plan for America. Let's see the Senate vote on this one. At least it's amusing."I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a plan for peace. So, here's one plan."
1) "The US will apologize to the world for our "interference" in their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler,Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those 'good ole boys', we will never "interfere"again.
2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany, South Korea, the Middle East, and the Philippines. They don't want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence.
3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave. We'll give them a free trip home. After90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are.They're illegal!!! France will welcome them.
4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself and don't hide here.
5) No foreign "students" over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don't attend classes, they get a "D"and it's back home baby.
6) The US will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient energy wise. This will include developing non-polluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while.
7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else. They can go somewhere else to sell theirproduction. (About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough.)
8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not "interfere." They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them are stolen or given to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.
9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace.We don't need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.
10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school.That way, no one can call us "Ugly Americans" any longer. The Language we speak is ENGLISH...learn it...or LEAVE...
Now, isn't that a winner of a plan?"The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.' She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'you want a piece of me?'--Robin Williams
Fair Tax
I just finished reading my new softcover edition of the FairTax Book by John Linder & Neal Boortz. I read the original hardcover version last fall. Every time I read it I get so enthusiastic and can't wait for the FairTax to be enacted in the United States. For those of you not familiar with the FairTax Plan here is a very brief summary from The Americans For Fair Taxation website.The FairTax:*Abolishes the IRS
*Closes all tax loopholes and brings fairness to taxation
*Maintains our current Social Security and Medicare benefits
*Brings transparency and accountability to tax policy
*Allows American products to compete fairly
*Reimburses the tax on purchases of basic necessities
*Enables retitees to keep their entire pension
*Enables workers to keep their entire paycheck
Please visit the FairTax website.You can find out all the info on H.R.25 The FairTax Bill, sign a petition, or volunteer to help.
Homeschool illegal in U.S.??
World Net Daily : A U.N. treaty conferring rights to children could make homeschooling illegal in the U.S. even though the Senate has not ratified it, a homeschooling association warns. As a homeschooling parent this is especially scary to me. Michael Farris, chairman and general counsel of the Home School Legal Defense Association, said that according to a new interpretation of "customary international law," some U.S. judges have ruled the convention applies to American parents.I will keep updating as I find out more info.
Double Standard
Okay, I got this from Neal Boortz's site but I really love it. Very Clever!!
In reference of course to the seizure of documents from William Jefferson's office. The FBI had a warrant of course, but that isn't good enough for our public officials who seem to think they should be above the law. It shouldn't really surprise anyone that Vicente Fox's new puppet George Bush had everything sealed away for 45 days. Darnit!! Jefferson never got a chance to shred before the Feds arrived. That can't be constitutional. Can it?? Better start working on a new constitutional ammendment.
Some Good News From The Border
Finally some good news from the border. World Net Daily reports, "The head of the U.S. National Guard surprised Border Patrol officials, declaring some of the troops he will send to assist them will work in close proximity to the border, be armed and allowed to fire their weapons if necessary." I think this is unbelievable good news. Now maybe we will do something when the Mexican military is firing shots at our border patrol agents. The Department of Homeland Security said there have been 231 documented incursions by Mexican military and law enforcement personnel into the U.S. since 1996.Mexican soldiers caught inside U.S. boundaries “isn’t a new phenomenon,” said David Aguilar, chief of the U.S. Border Patrol. Although the Mexican military has an “internal policy” that states they won’t operate within about two miles of the U.S., that policy is routinely violated or simply ignored, he said. “We often spot them” near or inside U.S. borders, Aguilar said.And on several occasions the U.S. has chased, apprehended and even detained members of the Mexican military, Aguilar said during his testimony.The following report is from 2002, so this isn't something new.
Investigators are trying to confirm whether it was a Mexican soldier who shot at a U.S. Border Patrol agent Friday night on the Tohono O'odham Nation.
An agent reported coming across three heavily armed Mexican soldiers riding in a Humvee near Papago Farms, about 90 miles southwest of Tucson.
The agent said he drove away, but a shot ripped through the windows of his Border Patrol vehicle as he fled.
Mexican officials said Tuesday they think the shooter was not a soldier.
They think he's not a soldier?? Give me a break!
It seems that congressman Tom Tancredo is one of the only American politicians who is actually looking out for us.
Bush's New Pal-Speaking Points
Bush’s new best friend was here earlier in the week. His four day visit landed him in Washington, Utah, and California. He gave several speeches and in my opinion said a few things that are just plain funny.
Fox said Mexico does not support illegal migration. This is a flat out lie. Mexico depends on millions of dollars in money sent home every year by illegal aliens in the United States.
"I'm nervous about what's going on in the Senate," Fox said. Now why is the Mexican president so worried about what goes on in our Senate. If he doesn’t support illegal migration to the United States then why would laws against it bother him at all?
I think our politicians are the ones who are worried. They seem to be writing laws to make Vicente Fox and the Mexican government happy, not writing legislation to protect the American people.
Instead of listening to Vicente Fox’s blatant lies, we should instead take a look at how Mexico treats those who are foreign born. We should take our cue from his laws. While they are preaching open borders and rights for Mexican immigrants in our country, they don’t follow their own advice. This is from the U.S. Border Patrol website.
“Foreign-born Mexicans can't hold seats in either house of the congress. They're also banned from state legislatures, the Supreme Court and all governorships. Many states ban foreign-born Mexicans from spots on town councils. And Mexico's constitution reserves almost all federal posts, and any position in the military and merchant marine, for "native-born Mexicans."
Recently the Mexican government has gone even further. Since at least 2003, it has encouraged cities to ban non-natives from such local jobs as firefighters, police and judges.”
That’s how they treat legal foreigners in Mexico. What about illegal immigrants in Mexico?*The Mexican constitution bars non-citizens from participating in any public political demonstration. That means Mexico doesn’t allow millions of illegal aliens to flood the streets in planned chaos. There are no demonstrations or marches being touted by the Mexican newspapers.
*In Mexico it is a felony to be an illegal immigrant.
The San Bernadino Sun has more
• Under Article 123 of the General Population Act, illegal immigration is an offense punishable by up to two years in prison and a fine of up to 5,000 pesos, or about $450. Typically, any crime with a punishment of a year or more is considered a felony.
• Article 118 of the act says foreigners who are deported and then later attempt to re-enter the country without authorization can be punished with up to 10 years in prison.
• Under Article 73, local police must cooperate with federal immigration authorities when asked to help enforce the nation's immigration laws.
• As set forth in several articles of the act, immigrants are admitted into Mexico according to their potential to "contribute to the national progress" and must have the income needed to support themselves.
• Article 9 of the constitution says only citizens may assemble to "take part in the political affairs of the country." Under Article 33, noncitizens "may not in any way participate in the political affairs of the country."These are just the laws that are on the books. The AP had another story which painted a much different picture than the one we heard from Vincente Fox during his many speeches.TULTITLAN, Mexico (AP) -- Considered felons by the government, these migrants fear detention, rape and robbery. Police and soldiers hunt them down at railroads, bus stations and fleabag hotels. Sometimes they are deported; more often officers simply take their money.
The level of brutality Central American migrants face in Mexico was apparent Monday, when police conducting a raid for undocumented migrants near a rail yard outside Mexico City shot to death a local man, apparently because his dark skin and work clothes made officers think he was a migrant.
Virginia Sanchez, who lives near the railroad tracks that carry Central Americans north to the U.S. border, said such shootings in Tultitlan are common.
"At night, you hear the gunshots, and it's the judiciales (state police) chasing the migrants," she said. "It's not fair to kill these people. It's not fair in the United States and it's not fair here."Commission president Jose Luis Soberanes said."One of the saddest national failings on immigration issues is the contradiction in demanding that the North respect migrants' rights, which we are not capable of guaranteeing in the South,"
Gunfire in D.C.
There have been
reports of gunfire in the Rayburn building in the capitol area earlier today.
Capitol police were investigating "the sound of gunfire in the garage level of the Rayburn House Office Building," said an announcement on the internal Capitol voice alarm system.
Dozens of police officers, many of them armed with assault rifles, milled around ouside the entrance to the garage.
At the Capitol, police quickly closed all doors, stopping people from either entering the building. Tourists were herded into a first-floor chamber in the middle of the building. Other corridors on the House side of the building, where lawmakers had already left for the recess, were deserted.
The Capitol was re-opened within an hour.
UPDATE:12:10pm Fox News channel is reporting that two women just came running out of the Rayburn House Office building minutes ago. They claim a man was hiding in the gym with a gun. The description they two women gave, was a white male about 5'10" and 175 lb.
12:21pm Fox News now reporting a woman was just taken out of the Rayburn building on a stretcher. This was apparantly anxiety related.
Michele Malkin has more.
Hayden New CIA Director
Gen. Michael Hayden was confirmed by the Senate this morning in a vote of 78-15. The BBC is also happy to report that Mr. Hayden loves Shakespeare. The Oregonian gave a more liberal spin by insinuating that the Senate should “watch him closely” and not missing a chance to take a crack at the FBI raid of Capitol Hill two days ago. Of course they didn't pass up the opportunity to criticize the Bush administration either, "confidence in General Hayden should not be interpreted as confidence in this administration."
Immigration Bill is Worse Than You Think
Okay so the so called “sweeping immigration reform” passed the Senate yesterday. I really just cannot understand what is going on in this country. Every poll I have seen shows overwhelmingly that a large majority of American’s want a secure border. They want the leaking flood of illegal aliens stopped. The problem is our government has their own agenda.
Sen. Jeff Sessions(R.-Ala.) says this bill is worse than you think. Here are just a few of the shocking pieces he points out from S2611.
*It gives the immigrant greater job protection than current American citizens.
*Complete amnesty for the employers who have been illegally hiring these illegal aliens.
*It states the illegal aliens would have to pay a $2000 fine. That is great, but they might not have to pay it for 8 years.
*They would be asked to file tax returns for any 3 of the last 5 years. They get to choose which 3 years. (I wish I had that deal) Many of them will be entitled to refunds much larger than the $2000 fine they would be asked to pay.
Sessions had this to say in closing. “It is clear the people who drafted this legislation had an agenda and the agenda was not to meet the expectations of the American people. The agenda was to create a facade and appearance of enforcement... tucked away here and there are laws that eviscerate and eliminate the real effectiveness of those provisions. It was carefully done and deliberately done.”
Why do our law makers refuse to listen to the wants of the real citizens of the United States. If this really is a “nation of laws” as Bush claims, then we need some politicians who aren’t afraid to make some tougher ones. Granting amnesty to a large group of people who broke the law (I’m referring to both the illegal invaders and those who employ them) is a bad idea. It sends the message that we aren’t serious. If our own lawmakers and president don’t have respect for our laws, how can they expect anyone else to??
Bush finally seals something (hint, it's not the border)
I just find it hard to believe that Bush, who refuses to seal our borders; jumped so quickly at the chance to seal the records seized by the F.B.I. in the raid of William Jefferson’s office earlier this week.
California SB1437
Today the California Senate passed SB1437- a bill requiring public schools to teach the accomplishments of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people. The bill was introduced by Sen. Sheila Kuehl, a Democrat. Ms. Kuehl said, "It would have been extremely helpful to me had I had this curriculum in school, I was deep in the closet all through my adolescence and my 20s, and I hadn't heard anything about being a lesbian except that it was horrible. I was very frightened." She went on to say she didn't choose a sexual orientation, which cost her an acting career. While attending school in the 1940s, she was exposed to the achievements of only white men. "Growing up, all I knew about was Betsy Ross, Betty Crocker or Betty Boop. Since my name wasn't Betty, I thought I was toast," Kuehl said. WHAT?? If that is her reasoning, the state of California will need much more help than this law would provide.
The bill, SB 1437, passed on a 22-15 vote and will now go to the Assembly. If it is approved by the Assembly it will then go to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who so far has not given a position of the bill. California's Legislature last year became the first to authorize gay marriage, but Schwarzenegger vetoed the measure.
Read more about the bill, and the public reaction in the Los Angeles Times,The San Francisco Gate, or the Sacramento Bee. When did it become the duty of schools to teach children about sexual orientation? What happened to reading, math, and science? We should all hope that Arnold has the common sense to veto this bill.
U.S. Border Patrol Local 2544
Here is the website for
local 2544. It is one of the best responses to illegal aliens & all their blatantly defiant protests I have seen. There is a lot of interesting information, opinion, and tons of stuff you don't hear about from the MSM.
This is just a sampling of the site:
The Sell-Out Continues - According to Ted Kennedy, Americans support amnesty for illegal aliens (he calls it "earned citizenship", which means you break laws to "earn" your citizenship). Hey Teddy, we are Americans, and we don't support anything you're doing. You are a disgrace. Make sure you count us out when you lie to everyone about the "broad support" your amnesty plan enjoys. While you're at it, tell the AFL-CIO to take a hike as well. They are equally disgraceful when it comes to selling this country down the drain. Read an article on the "new" Senate plan
here. 05-11-06
Read an article quoting former Tucson Sector agent Scott James
here (we can verify that he did, in fact, quit in complete "disgust" when he left here some months ago). 05-12-06
Mexico's Hypocrisy - While they demand that we open the floodgates for millions of illegal Mexican immigrants, take a look at the inhumane way they treat illegal aliens in Mexico. Another example of Vicente having El Presidente Bush completely FOXed. Click
here. 04-29-06
Allowing a Massive Invasion is OK, but a "Massive Deportation" is a No-No - After sitting idly by for years while millions of illegal aliens invaded the country, President Bush has decided that any "massive deportation" is not "realistic". Mr. Bush have you ever thought that maybe if you crack down harder on employers with REAL enforcement and heavy fines they'll stop hiring illegal aliens and many, if not most, of the illegal aliens will go home on their own? "Can't get a job? Can't get welfare? Well, maybe we should go home and fix our country rather than stealing jobs in America." Put our unemployed to work in the "jobs Americans won't do". Read the latest propaganda from El Presidente
here. 04-24-06
Check out their site for all of the stories. Good reading.
Quotes To Choke On
"What Luck For Rulers, That Men Do Not Think" – Adolph Hitler
"When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community." - Adolf Hitler
“The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to Socialism.” – Karl Marx
“My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.” – Karl Marx
"We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism." – Nikita Khrushchev
"Just do it" isn't a terribly popular idea in real American life. We've become a society of rule-followers and permission-seekers. Despite our can-do self-image, what we really want is to be told what to do. When the going gets tough, the tough get consent forms.
Doing the job George Bush won't do!!!

Doing the job George Bush won't do
Minuteman Project site here
Volunteer here
If you would like to start a chapter in your own neighborhood click here
Tancredo responds to U.S. border patrol
This is straight from Tom Tancredo's website in response to the news that the U.S. border patrol has been tipping off the Mexican government as to the whereabouts of the Minutemen.
“The Mexican military doesn’t exactly have a ‘good government’ reputation. The Border Patrol has documented more than two hundred incursions into the U.S by the Mexican military, and Texas sheriffs even apprehended Mexican government vehicles that were used to ferry drug runners across the border. By tipping off Mexico’s military to the Minutemen’s location, the U.S. government is asking for trouble,” said Tancredo.
“Heavily-armed military officials stationed only yards from civilians are at least intimidating. I can only surmise that the Border Patrol bureaucrats’ spying is meant to have a chilling effect on the Minutemen’s recruitment of more volunteers,” said Tancredo. “The Minutemen haven’t been accused of breaking the law. Quite the contrary—they have gone out of their way to aid law enforcement and ensure the safety of our border. The U.S. government has no grounds upon which to stifle the Minutemen’s constitutional right to organize,” Tancredo concluded. “I want to know the legal basis for CBP informing a foreign government of the activities of private citizens who are obeying the law.”
For those of you who haven't heard the story, check it out here. From the Daily Bulletin site:
"TJ Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council, a union representing more than 10,000 Border Patrol agents, said agents have complained for years about the Mexican consulate's influence over the agency.
"It worries me (that the Mexican government) seems to be unduly influencing our enforcement policies. That's not a legitimate role for any foreign nation," Bonner said, though he added, "It doesn't surprise me." INFLUENCE??? THAT IS THE SCARY PART!!
Visit the Mexican government's site here for all the gory details. If you don't speak Spanish and need to translate it try Babelfish. You can translate blocks of text or entire sites.
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America(read:George & Vincente's Open Border Plan)
This might be old news, but I'm sure many people don't know much about this collaberation between the U.S., Mexico & Canada.
You can see the official SPPNA website here
President Bush, President Fox, and Prime Minister Martin released a joint press statement. I got this from the Mexidata website. The joint statement begins: “We, the elected leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, have met in Texas to announce the establishment of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.”
A couple of interesting points from the plan:
• Implement common border security
To be true, this should read: common lax border security, or maybe it means the U.S. border patrol is legally able to share information with the Mexican government about the location of the Minutemen - the only Americans who seem to care about enforcing border laws.
• Reduce the costs of trade through the efficient movement of goods and people
Do I have to even say anything about this? I think the movement of people over the border is efficient enough already.The White House web site White House website also had a statement. It reads: “Canada and the United States are two great nations bound by a common commitment to protect our citizens, and promote democracy, human rights, prosperity, economic opportunity and the quality of life. Over the past decade, Canada and the United States, in conjunction with Mexico...Today, Canada and the United States commit to deepening our cooperation in North America and in the world. We will both work bilaterally to address Canada-U.S. priorities and continue our close cooperation with Mexico on issues of trilateral importance.”
Am I the only one noticing the difference in the two statements? The White House website conveniently leaves out or plays down the role of Mexico in the three way partnership.