No American Hero!!
I just read an interesting post from The Right Track about the new superman movie.Practically anyone in America can complete the phrase “Superman stands for truth, justice, and (fill in the blank). Of course, the correct answer is “the American way”.
In Superman Returns, editor of the Daily Planet Perry White says, “Truth, justice and … all of that stuff.” And I found out the omission was no accident...
You can read the entire post on Terry's blog. This is really irking me. What the hell is wrong with these people?? Don't people realize how great it is to be an American? Every day on the news there is a story about someone who is banned from flying the American Flag, disciplined at an American public school for not standing during the Mexican National Anthem, or the Pledge of Allegiance being outlawed. What is going on here?? When did it become so unpopular to be an American here in America?? This goes beyond ignorance, as far as I am concerned these are blatant and malicious attacks against our country. George Bush, if you are listening stop telling us how upset you are with the New York Times committing Treason and do something about those who mean to harm the United States. While you are at it, encourage congress to pass a law to deny giving tax payer money to any group or organization that has a motive of undermining the United States.There is more than one way to skin a cat, and there is more than one way to destroy this country. The infectious disease of anti-Americanism can be just as damaging as any violent threat. For all the rest of us who still have some common sense and venom left in us, I say fight back. Let's take back America. Fly our flags, pledge our allegiance, and show all these liberal, anti-Americans the door... or the border. Technically not having a wall makes it easier for those exiting as well as those sneaking in. Stamp
For all of you who love the FairTax, here is your chance to get your own FairTax Stamp. Stamp your money. Spread the good word.
FairTax BlogBurst
With any proposal, sooner or later the naysayers start their doom-and-gloom predictions. The FairTax proposal is no exception. There are those out there whining and crying about how “it won’t really work that way”, despite the fact that the current income tax system isn’t working the way it’s supposed to work. I suppose their fear is exchanging the devil they know for the devil they don’t know. In this article, I’ll highlight some of their worries and attempt to dispel them.
A national sales tax will create a huge black market.Among all the arguments to be made against the FairTax, perhaps this one holds the least water. Arguments are made that this “black market” will spring up, with people “illegally trading DVDs, cigarettes, canned foods” yada yada yada. OK, illegally trading? What’s illegal today about trading those items? Nothing! So what’s the problem?
“They’ll be avoiding the tax!”
And that’s bad, why? My wife buys romance novels at a used book store now. She’d be avoiding the tax, too. She’s also reading books that everyone else read weeks or months ago. I say, “Come on, black market!” Only the market won’t be black. It can be right in a store front, advertising used books, consignment shops for clothes, furniture, camping equipment, you name it! A whole new type of business will emerge! That will be great for the economy, right? Right!
The national sales tax will give government another reason to make cash purchases illegal.Those making this argument claim that paying with cash will make it easier to avoid paying the tax. This is simply ridiculous. Number one, most businesses are run by honest, dependable people. It’s not the business owner that’s being taxed, remember, it’s the purchaser of goods and services. With penalties for those who attempt to cheat the system, the onus is on the business to be open and above-board in collecting and paying the tax. The businesses will keep a small percentage of what they collect in order to offset their expenses in collecting and reporting the tax! While the consumer might hope for a break from the tax, it would be the rare businessman who would collude with the consumer in his scheme to avoid the tax!
The tax will be used to track your entire financial life.Coming so closely after the previous argument, you have to laugh. First folks are going to pay with cash to avoid the tax, then the tax will be used to track your entire financial life. Unbelievable. How so? You’re not filing a return, are you? To do this, the government would have to:
1. Obtain records of your purchases from retail or service center outlets
2. Obtain records of your purchases from your financial institution
3. Collate the records in order to see what went where
4. Have a really good reason to waste their time doing this
But remember, the tax applies to new goods and services only. Don’t want the government to know you bought that new Humvee? Get last year’s model from a used car dealer. Want a couple of evening gowns? Hit the new consignment shop that just opened up a few blocks from your work. But do you know why the government won’t track your entire financial life? Simply put, you’re not that big a deal. Sorry to deflate your ego, but why would the government care to delve into your personal finances? They don’t care what you spend money on, as long as they get their cut!
Simply put, any tax scheme can run rampant over the American people without diligent and unceasing attention on the part of the American taxpayer. It is up to you and I to keep our government on a short leash. We must realize that there are no free rides. When the government gives you something, they have to take something away from you first in order to do so.
As author Edward Abbey said, “A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against its government.”
The FairTax Blogburst is jointly produced by Terry of The Right Track Blog and Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous. If you would like to host the weekly postings on your blog, please e-mail Terry. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll.
Stupid Liberal Attitude
A group of young men seized in a Miami warehouse have been charged in a federal indictment with conspiring with al-Qaida to "levy war against the United States" by committing acts of violence including blowing up Chicago's Sears Tower.
According to the indictment handed up Thursday, a young man identified as Narseal Batiste, beginning in November 2005, recruited and trained the others "for a mission to wage war against the United States government," including a plot to destroy the Sears Tower.
To obtain money and support for their mission, the conspirators sought help from al-Qaida, pledged an oath to the terrorist organization and supported an al-Qaida plot to destroy FBI buildings, the four-count indictment charged.
Batiste met several times in December 2005 with a person purporting to be an al-Qaida member and asked for boots, uniforms, machine guns, radios, vehicles and $50,000 in cash to help him build an "'Islamic Army' to wage jihad'," the indictment said. It said that Batiste said he would use his "soldiers" to destroy the Sears Tower.
In February 2006, it said, Batiste told the "al-Qaida representative" that he and his five soldiers wanted to attend al-Qaida training and planned a "full ground war" against the United States in order to "kill all the devils we can." His mission would "be just as good or greater than 9/11," the indictment accused Batiste of boasting.
To me, these are serious charges and I am happy and relieved they caught these Islamic terrorists before they had a chance to hurt anyone. Apparently our fellow Americans who happen to lean a little to the left aren’t so happy. While the democrats reek of indignation when we call out their feigned patriotism, they really are intent on undermining any attempt to keep America secure. This is what people had to say on Democratic Underground:
**This raid sounds like b.s. and voter intimidation to me
This is more of J.E.B.'s (sic) campaign to keep black people in Florida from voting. Bet on it.
**This is blown out of proportion
How can you even pretend to want a secure nation, and claim to be against terrorism when you so stupidly defend those who are caught trying to destroy us. Voter intimidation?? Is that really what liberals think this is?? After reading the article above and seeing what these seven men had planned how could any sane person with functioning brain cells think that simply arresting these men is blowing it out of proportion?
If liberals are so blinded by their hatred of George Bush that they choose to defend terrorists that mean us harm, I think those liberals need to seriously consider whether they would be better off leaving America. I know we would be better off without them. France is nice this time of year, and I am sure Chirac would welcome the America bashers with open arms.
We are in the middle of a war, a "War on Terror" to use the popular term. We are not fighting against Swedish grannies. We are fighting against terrorists who would kill any one of us without batting an eye, yet the liberals would have us believe we should pity the terrorists. The attacks are not just isolated, occasional incidents. They are frequent, methodical, vicious assaults. They have been carried out in every country, with blatant disregard for human rights, yet the terrorists are defended, even championed by the so called human rights advocates. I was not alive during World War II, but I don't remember hearing about any Americans or Europeans blaming Roosevelt for the deaths of millions by the Nazis. I don't recall anyone comparing Roosevelt to Hitler because we invaded Germany.
We are told that the violent terrorists are just a small fringe of the Muslim population. Most Muslims are peaceful. Islam is called “The religion of Peace”. If it is so peaceful, where is the anger and the cry to stop the violence from the “moderate Muslims” It is rare to hear them denounce the actions of the terrorists. This silence does nothing to end the violence.
Albert Einstein said it best, “The world is a very dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who do nothing about them."
We have had many successes in this war. We caught Saddam, we have killed Zarqawi, there have been successful elections in Iraq, (more people showed up to vote in Iraq’s elections than any election in the United States, and we aren’t faced with horrible attacks when we vote.) we recently found a large cache of WMDs, the death toll of American soldiers is very tragic, yet it is small when compared to other wars. Bin Laden has been rendered impotent, we have him so afraid to even stick his head out of whatever hole he is hiding in. These are all major victories for us, but you don’t hear any of this reported as being good news.
When we killed Zarqawi, you would think people would be celebrating in the streets. Okay, they were in Iraq, but you would have hoped for a little more enthusiasm from Americans. Michael Berg, whose son was beheaded by Zarqawi himself, on television, was not happy at all. He mourned the death of Zarqawi, saying Iraq is worse now than it was under Saddam. He expressed sadness at the demise of the man who beheaded his son on camera.
When we found the stockpiles of 500 WMD a few days ago, it wasn’t long before the Bush haters were complaining that Bush is still a liar because these aren’t the right WMDs. Saddam lied, how does that sit with you. He said he had destroyed all WMD. Sarin gas is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations according to UN Resolution 687, and its production and stockpiling was outlawed by the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993. Yet, he still had it. It doesn’t matter if he had it since 1991. It was outlawed in 1993 and he promised that all WMDs were gone.
I can understand that many people don’t like Bush. I am not trying to change their minds. There are things I don’t like about him. I won’t even begin to talk about his spending record. I do think he needs to stand taller as our leader. He needs to be stronger and louder and pound his fist on the podium when he talks. That is what I want to see from Bush. I want him to say, "sit down and shut up." to the press, to Kerry, and definitely to Murtha. He is faced with one of the toughest presidencies in history, and as a result he needs to be tougher. A lack of love for George Bush should not cause anyone to slander their own country. One can disagree with Bush, and still support a secure, strong country that is not afraid to defend its people against the bad guys.
If we listen to the liberals we will fall. We must fight to keep our freedoms. They are what make this country great. We must not appease any group. We must stop worrying about which group or country we are offending right now. If offending someone is the worst crime possible we really need to rethink our priorities.
A terrorist can blow up innocent people, but we cannot speak out against him because someone might be offended. There are Saudi Arabian schools teaching hate against America. Guess where they are? Surprise, they are in Virginia. Do we put a stop to it? We don’t speak out because we don’t want to be called racists, we don’t want to be called offensive or (gasp) intolerant. If someone were to speak up and denounce these hate-teaching schools they would be called a racist, and most likely be forced to attend some type of tolerance classes.
Our public school teachers were made to attend these tolerance training seminars so they could go back to the classroom and teach the kids tolerance for Islam after Islamists attacked us on 9/11. See, the government and the teachers unions thought we might be angry that a group of Islamists hijacked several airplanes and used them as really big WMDs to kill thousands of our citizens. They thought maybe we would harbor feelings of hostility and resentment for those who so maliciously attacked us. So we must be forced to take classes so we can appreciate Islam. California even allows taxpayer funded public schools to force kids to pretend they are Muslims for 2 weeks. We aren’t allowed to say “God” in public, but these kids are forced to praise Allah, encouraged to fast, and given extra points for dressing in traditional Muslim clothing. This dhimmitude is unbelievable. Groups such as CAIR promote all of this because they feel that Muslims are looked at unfairly in the United States.
As a result, we now have civil liberties groups in this country fighting for the rights of child molesters, rapists, convicted murderers, (remember Tookie Williams a few months ago) and too many other scumbags for me to list here. When was the last time the ACLU defended a real victim. When have they ever fought for someone’s first amendment right to practice Christianity? When have they spoken up for our country, our pride in the flag or being allowed to say the Pledge of Allegiance in schools? Are they fighting for civil liberties or criminal liberties? Where are our morals? We talk about tolerance, but morals fall by the wayside. No one cares what crimes people commit, so long as we say nothing bad about them.
We should change “Don't Tread On Me” to “You can tread on me, just don’t insult anyone.”
Miami Terror Plot
7 arrested in Miami today in what seems to be a terror plot against the Sears Tower in Chicago and other buildings in the U.S.
A federal law enforcement official told The Associated Press the alleged plotters were mainly Americans with no apparent ties to al-Qaida or other foreign terrorist organizations.
Hmmm... CNN reports say something a little different,
Some of the suspects are members of a radical African-American Muslim group and that at least one had taken "an al Qaeda oath," law enforcement sources told CNN.
Sources told CNN that the arrests culminated a monthslong undercover operation. The suspects believed they were dealing with an al Qaeda operative, but the person was actually a government informant, the sources said.
One of those arrested is an illegal alien from Haiti. He is here illegally after overstaying his visa. Another suspect is a legal resident alien, and the remaining five are Americans. ( I use the word 'Americans' only because it is the one being used right now on CNN. I don't believe anyone plotting to cause terror and death in our own country should be refered to as 'Americans'. I prefer to use that word for those people who strive to uphold our way of life instead of choosing to destroy it.
Update on WMD in Iraq
Fox News has the story. Hannity & Colmes did nothing but argue over the story last night. Sean Hannity of course thinks this is wonderful news, and fully expects many liberals to start apologizing for calling Bush a liar. Alan Colmes, on the other hand says these WMD's don't dispute the fact that he thinks Bush lied... he says these aren't the
right WMD's.
How many WMD's do we have to find before these whiny liberals will shut up? We capture Saddam Hussein and put him on trial, we kill Al-Zarqawi, and now we find the WMD's the democrats insist weren't in Iraq, yet they still insist we are losing the war, Bush is a liar, and America sucks.
We are winning in Iraq, just don't try telling that to the liberals.
Socialist Plan
San Francisco is announcing a new universal healthcare plan for any adult resident, regardless of employment status or their legality in the United States. The plan still needs to be approved by the city's Board of Supervisors.
The city estimates the plan would cost $200 million a year, an expense that would be borne by taxpayers, businesses that don't already insure all their workers, and participants themselves.
This will be a huge burden to the city of San Francisco. Since the plan will work on a sliding scale those who are unemployed will pay almost nothing. The majority of the cost will be on the shoulders of employed people who already pay for their own health insurance, and businesses in the city. Why should those who work and cover their own medical expenses have to pay for those who don't?
The most recent version, sponsored by Supervisor Tom Ammiano, would require every business with more than 20 employees to pay $1.60 an hour into the system for all employees not already covered by a health plan, no matter how few hours they work.
Laurie Thomas, owner of three restaurants in San Francisco, said that she already contributes to health insurance for her employees who work more than 28 hours a week, but that the hourly mandate Ammiano is proposing would put her out of business.
This plan is a disaster for the city of San Francisco. The people who work hard and are able to support themselves will be forced to take care of everyone else. There is no incentive for people to work hard and be self sufficient if the government is always there handing out freebies.
Furthermore, businesses will ultimately choose to leave the city, resulting in loss of jobs, tax revenue, and causing even more poverty than there is now.
Read the whole story at Yahoo News.
WMD's in Iraq
How many times have you heard, "
Bush Lied!" or "
There Were No WMD's"?
All the liberals can now eat their words. Fox News just had a live press conference given by
Senator Rick Santorum (R. Penn.) He had some news for the naysayers to choke on.
We found 500 weapons!!
I haven't been able to find the article anywhere online yet, but this is great news. I'm sure the liberal MSM will say it doesn't matter, or that Bush is doing it to move up in the polls, but this is HUGE.
I will have more later.
Man Arrested For Christian Beliefs
WND ran a scary article today:
A husband and wife arrested while preaching on a corner in downtown Kansas City spent a night in jail Nov. 7 after being arrested at the Kansas City Area Transit Authority's Transit Plaza on the corner of 10th and Main streets.
Michael Wheeler said he was sharing his faith, with his wife quietly praying alongside, when a Metro bus supervisor approached and told the couple to leave.
The Wheelers began to pray, and police soon arrived to arrest them. Michael Wheeler was charged with trespassing and disorderly conduct and Joy Wheeler was charged with disorderly conduct.
"Religious speech is not second-class speech, and Christians should not be arrested for exercising their First Amendment rights," said Alliance Defense Fund Litigation Counsel David LaPlante. "Unfortunately in this case, a Christian husband and wife were arrested for trespassing and disorderly conduct for sharing the gospel in a public place."
"It's hard to believe that we've come to a point in our country where Christians are arrested for sharing the gospel on a public street corner," he said.
Upon first reading this article it seems horrible. It makes you wonder if you will also be arrested for your faith. I felt outraged at the trampling of the couple’s first amendment rights to free speech and religion. After doing 30 seconds worth of research (I simply typed in the couple’s name in the Yahoo search engine). I was feeling a little different. The article from World Net Daily paints the two as helpless victims being persecuted for their religious beliefs, unbelievably, here in America. But only a small bit of looking, and I had quite a different story. Michael Wheeler has been arrested no less than 46 times. According to the Kansas City Police Department, Wheeler has been found guilty or paid a monetary fine 10 times since April 1986. He has been charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct, obstructing and resisting an officer.This is from The Kansas City Star: Scroll to the bottom of this page to read the whole article from April 20, 1998."He'll stand in one spot and run in place and yell about Jesus," Officer Russ Dykstra said. In 1986, according to an article that ran in The Kansas City Star, he was sentenced to six months in the city jail for refusing to leave a restaurant. He was sentenced to another year for contempt of court in another case.
He was stabbed, he said, in Seattle while preaching in the streets. One woman in Los Angeles asked if she could borrow his Bible, then promptly smacked him across the face with it.
This seems to indicate that he may not be just an innocent preacher on the side of the road. It would seem reasonable that it would take quite a bit of anger to smack a total stranger across the face with his own Bible. What provokes such an action from a lady?? Maybe he isn't quite as innocent as the ADF would have you believe.
Wheeler goes on to explain why he may not be all there: Past drug use including marijuana and acid.
"At first, I was kind of ashamed for experiencing (drugs)," he said. "Now, it's like a blessing. I can relate to people who are hooked on drugs."
Does the ADF know about all these other problems? I’m sure they must, yet they paint him as just an innocent preacher being persecuted for his Christian beliefs. It seems scary until you know the whole story.
He's No Berg
Newsbusters :The father of PFC Thomas Tucker of Oregon spoke with simple eloquence:
"We don't understand the big political picture. We understand what has happened. Our son has died for the freedom of everybody in the United States. We are very proud of our son."The entire United States is sickened by what has happened to these two young soldiers. It is especially tragic for their families, but at least they aren't tarnishing what the young men were fighting for. A surprisingly pro-America comment from the NY Times:If the two soldiers had one thing in common, it was their determination to join the Army and fight in Iraq, believing it to be the right thing to do. It is a message they tried to impress on their families, who worried incessantly about phantom snipers and hidden bombs. "I'm going to defend my country," Private Tucker said in the telephone message. "Be proud of me."Michael Berg, the father of Nick Berg who was beheaded by Zarqawi, says President Bush is “almost as bad as” al-Zarqawi and called the terrorist’s death a “tragedy.”
When asked if he sees any difference between George Bush and al-Zarqawi, Berg responded “No I don’t.”This is what he has to say in remembrance of the murderous bastard who killed his son in cold blood. The Michael Bergs and Cindy Sheehans of the world have no idea what freedom costs.Michelle Malkin has more. Many people are asking where George Bush is during all of this.
Bush's Secret Let Out Of The Bag??
WND reports:Author Jerome Corsi filed a Freedom of Information Act request yesterday asking for full disclosure of the activities of an office implementing a trilateral agreement with Mexico and Canada that apparently could lead to a North American union, despite having no authorization from Congress.
Corsi believes President Bush effectively agreed to erase U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada when he signed the SPP (Security & Prosperity Partnership).
"This is all being done by the executive branch below the radar," Corsi told WND. "If President Bush had told the American people in the 2004 presidential campaign that his goal was to create a North American union, he would not have carried a single red state."
Many SPP working groups appear to be working toward achieving specific objectives as defined by a May 2005 Council on Foreign Relations task force report, which presented a blueprint for expanding the SPP agreement into a North American union that would merge the U.S., Canada and Mexico into a new governmental form. I wonder what he will find out? Why am I still not hearing about this on the news?? I'm not really surprised MSNBC or CNN don't care about this, but I haven't seen it on FOX either.MY PREVIOUS N.A. UNION ARTICLES: here and here
FairTax BlogBurst
20-Jun-2006, 8:20 pm
FairTax BlogburstBy TD in Crossposts, Fair TaxAs I see it, the main problem with the Income Tax is that it is virtually impossible to enforce completely and fairly. Compliance with the Income Tax depends on taxpayer truthfulness, which generally is motivated either by a) good character, or b) fear of an IRS audit. With the FairTax, the tax is collected when the money is spent, from everyone, with greatly reduced opportunities for non-compliance by the public.
For instance, what about the criminal element in our country? Have you ever heard of the Mafia? Or the drug dealer? Do you think that these people report 100% of their income? Of course not! They get out of paying a huge percentage of their actual tax bill by the simple expedient of not reporting all of their income. But these same individuals still have to pay utility bills, purchase prescription drugs, visit doctors, and buy food. And if they believe in the “high life” of new cars, fancy clothes and jewelry, and new homes, they’re going to pay more than “Joe Six-pack” who chooses to drive a used car, or purchase a home that’s not brand new.
And it’s not just individuals who are managing to avoid paying taxes these days. Everyone in America has heard of the rush to move American companies “offshore”, whether in whole or in part. Think about it — have you ever seen an American-flagged commercial vessel? Oh sure, we’ve got our warships, but what about commercial boats that carry cargo or cruise passengers? Most of these are flying the flag of Liberia or Panama — low-tax nations.
In the mid-1950s, about 33% of all income taxes collected were paid by American corporations. Today that number is down to approximately 10%. From “
The FairTax Book” by Boortz and Linder:
“That plunge is a major factor in our recent soaring deficits. Indeed, international corporations are essentially “voluntary” taxpayers today, paying only that amount in taxes that they believe will avoid attracting embarrassing news coverage. These corporations believe that our draconian tax structures make their actions necessary. The OFCs [offshore financial centers, or banks - TD] make their plans feasible” [Emphasis added - TD]
Boortz and Linder make the point that if we eliminated all taxes on capital and labor, (which the FairTax does), the United States would become the world’s tax haven.
We have the most stable economy, the most liquid and trusted markets, and the highest rates of labor productivity in the world — and the trillions of dollars in those OFCs would flow back home to the United States for the very reason they found themselves offshore to start with.And we’re not just talking about American businesses coming home, we’re talking about wooing corporations based in other countries into America. Think of the economic benefits! More productivity, lower unemployment, higher wages, and all occurring within a tax system that allows you at least partly to choose whether to pay taxes! Buy it new, pay a tax, buy it used and don’t!
The FairTax Blogburst is jointly produced by Terry of The Right Track Blog and Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous. If you would like to host the weekly postings on your blog, please e-mail Terry. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll.
Surprising ESQUIRE poll
Esquire recently took a poll of 1,083 men aged 25 and older. The 29-question survey had some surprising results. From a list of 14 women the men would most like to invite to dinner, most men chose substance over sex appeal. Taking first place was Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Second place went to Oprah Winfrey, and third place went to Angelina Jolie. Okay, I didn't say they all chose substance over beauty.
Dixie Chick Mentality
Here's the latest garbage from the Chicks...and no it's not their album.
The Chicks can't hide their disgust at the lack of support they received from other country performers. "A lot of artists cashed in on being against what we said or what we stood for because that was promoting their career, which was a horrible thing to do," says Robison. "A lot of pandering started going on, and you'd see soldiers and the American flag in every video. It became a sickening display of ultra-patriotism.""The entire country may disagree with me, but I don't understand the necessity for patriotism," [Natalie] Maines resumes, through gritted teeth. "Why do you have to be a patriot? About what? This land is our land? Why? You can like where you live and like your life, but as for loving the whole country… I don't see why people care about patriotism."
Unbelievable!! They really just don’t get it, and they never will.Thanks
Michelle Malkin. Michelle also has a link to a great site about those country singers who do support our troops & this country.
For more info on the Un-Patriotic Chicks and some great comments:
Coalition of the Swilling
Bush Ignores Borders
President Bush has refused to meet with border law enforcement officials from Texas for a second time. His response to their request came in the form of a
letter Monday, angering both lawmakers and sheriffs.
In fact, some Republican members of Congress, upset by what they call the administration's seeming lack of concern for border security, are preparing to hold investigative hearings in San Diego and Laredo, Texas, early next month.
Members of the House subcommittee on international terrorism and nonproliferation hope to expose serious security flaws that could potentially lead to terrorist attacks in this country.
"The next terrorist is not going to come in through screening at Kennedy airport," Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas said. "We already have information that people from the Middle East have come through the border from Mexico. They assimilate in Mexico learning to speak Spanish and adopt customs and then they cross the border into the United States."
"The president is the busiest man in the world but he needs to take the time to talk to the border sheriffs and learn what's happening in the real world from them," Poe said. "We can’t understand why he refuses to meet with them."
I don’t think that the problem is that President Bush is too busy. The problem is that he already has loyalties to Vicente Fox. He doesn’t want to secure the border. He wants a unified North America. Securing the border would harm so much of the work he has already been doing with Mexico and Canada.Rick Glancey, spokesman for the sheriffs coalition, said its members are angry and disappointed in the president's response. Glancey said Bush's recent tour of the border with Border Patrol spokesmen did not reflect the reality of what locals live with every day.
"It's a slap in the face to the hardworking men and women on the front lines of rural America who every day engage in border security issues," Glancey said. "He missed the opportunity to take off his White House cowboy boots and put some real cowboy boots on, and walk in our shoes for a few minutes."
The border hearings will expose the truth to the American public and force the administration to take a serious look at the border, said Alan Knapp, Poe's legislative director.
When the American public finds out that Bush favors an open border, that he has been making deals with Fox without approval from Congress; what will we do? When we find out that he is trying to sell out America, and replace it with a unified North America will it be too late??
Bush Converting To Islam??
Cleric Calls on Bush to Convert to IslamBREITBART Reports:Militant cleric
Abu Bakar Bashir called on Bush and Howard to convert to Islam, saying it was "the only way to save their souls,"
Bashir, 68, was released from prison Wednesday after completing a 26- month sentence for conspiracy in the Bali bombings that killed 202 people
He was asked Thursday about families still suffering from the Bali blasts. He said the attacks "were God's will" and that survivors should "convert to Islam" if they wanted to soothe their suffering.
Bashir called Bush an "infidel," but said he was happy the American people were starting to realize that their president had made a mistake when he decided to wage war on Muslims. He did not elaborate, but was apparently referring to sliding opinion polls.
This is something our press and our politicians need to pay attention to. A large part of Congress is pandering to the whining anti-war/hate Bush crowd. This is harmful to our country, our war on terror, and especially our soldiers. Every time Murtha, Kerry, or any other supposed leader of America starts whining it strengthens the terrorists.
Haditha, Hamdaniya and many other media feeding frenzies would never happen if our country was perceived as a unified front. These terrorists not only fight with IEDs and guns, they know how to play us off of one another. They are taught to lie about being tortured. Many Islamists hate America and Americans. They know our media and most of congress will jump on any accusations they throw out there. It doesn’t matter how ridiculous it is. The media is ready to pounce on it, they will slander one of our soldiers in front of the world and not even think twice about it.
If we want to truly win this war (and we are winning it now, regardless of what MSNBC says). We need to come together in the eyes of the world. We sound like a bunch of whiny, weak, feeble, frightened pansies if you ask me. Our soldiers risk their lives on a daily basis. Some will die. Some will be injured. But their sacrifice is for our freedom. Even our first amendment protected right to smear and slander the very same soldiers who fight for those rights.
If we don’t quit crying about bringing the troops home by the end of the year, we could end up prolonging this war, strengthening the resolve of the terrorists, weakening the moral of our own troops, and encouraging more attacks on American soil.
Parental Rights Discarded, Again
In an article from GOPUSA Tuesday, Steve Crampton tells the story of Laurie Taylor. Laurie is the mother of two children who attend public school in Fayetteville, Arkansas. She has been trying to get several books promoting sex and drugs (aimed at elementary school children) put into a separate section of the school library. A child would need parental permission in order to check out books from this section.At first, school system leaders seemed to agree with Taylor, and placed the books in a "parent library" section with other books geared more to parents than to children. But when Taylor found dozens more books with sexually explicit content, and asked that they not be made available to students without parental approval, the school reneged. It overturned its earlier decision and voted to leave all of the books on the shelves with unrestricted access by the students.
Some of the books include graphic descriptions of incest, homosexuality, masturbation, bestiality, and child molestation. For instance, Push is the story of a young girl who is pregnant with her father's child. The local newspaper, the Northwest Arkansas Times, which opposed the effort to limit access to the book, admitted that it contained "materials that are patently offensive."
Another book is advertised as being "the most controversial young adult novel ever," and describes an adolescent boy's love affair with a teacher, and two teens who become addicted to heroin. Oh, and by the way, the book won an award as "an outstanding book for children."
Yet another book proudly displayed on the Fayetteville library shelves was once featured in Playboy magazine. Its vile and sexually explicit content is interspersed with dialogue such as this: "Just keep asking yourself: 'What would Jesus not do?”
Of course local liberals from nearby colleges are protesting, screaming about censorship, and denouncing Taylor’s attempts to choose what her own children are exposed to. It seems funny that these liberal types aren’t saying anything about the suggested censorship in New Jersey, where two state reps are trying to get a ban on Ann Coulter’s new book ‘Godless’
Isn’t it the rights of the parents to monitor what their own kids are reading and being taught in school. Taylor isn’t even asking for a ban, though I believe she has every right to. All she and the other parents are asking for is to keep the books inappropriate for kids in a separate section.
Apparently Arkansas isn’t the only school with this problem right now.
In Overland Park, Kansas, parents are organizing to protest the Blue Valley School District's inclusion in its curriculum of numerous books containing explicit material. One parent, Janet Harmon, objected to a book her freshman son was reading, which contained "references to oral sex and homosexuality," she said. In Maine, Orono High School has reaffirmed its commitment to allow the use of the sexually explicit book, Girl Interrupted, as part of the ninth-grade English curriculum. The novel, written by Susanna Kaysen, is not fit reading for high school students, argued many parents and local residents. "It's a book about an 18-year-old who ends up in a mental asylum and has a number of conversations with mentally disturbed people -- conversations of the most graphic sort, especially sexually," said Michael Heath, head of the Christian Civic League of Maine. "The f-word [appears] 30 times on one page, and this is being given to freshmen in high school as literature. It's absolutely horrifying."
Now I saw this movie, I thought it was a good movie, as an adult I can make that choice. This is not what our kids should be reading in school. Is this the best curriculum the school could find? Isn’t there something else, Shakespeare, Mark Twain...I can think of hundreds of great classic literature books that these kids could be taught from.
Librarians do everything possible to obscure the reading habits of students -- who are required by law to attend school -- from any attempt by parents to learn what their children are reading.Here is another point I disagree with. Children are required to be educated, but they are not “required by law to attend school”. Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states. Parents who are so obviously upset by what is going on in the public schools always have this choice. More parents need to remove their kids from public schools and start giving them a better education.
A federal judge in Fayetteville has recently ruled in a similar case that restricting access of library books only to students who have obtained parental permission infringes upon the First Amendment rights of the students. Okay, now here is the first amendment:
Amendment ICongress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.Do you see anything in there restricting parents from choosing appropriate reading material for their children? Asking for parental permission in no way violates Freedom of Speech laws. Tell me whose Freedom of Speech is supposedly being violated here? The books aren’t being banned, simply separated. The children aren’t being silenced. The protestors were allowed their demonstrations. The school has had their say. It seems to me the rights of the parents, the most important voice in these kids’ lives, are the only ones being squelched.
Arkansas Attorney General Mike Beebe has said that any determination as to whether these books violate the harmful to minors law must be left "for a court or properly instructed jury."
When did the right of parents to choose what their kids are taught and exposed to get thrown to the judicial branch? What exactly is a “properly instructed jury” anyway? Who is instructing them? As I stated earlier, there is always choice. Homeschooling would eliminate this problem immediately. Hopefully, common sense will prevail in Fayetteville, Arkansas. It seems to me that with five minutes, and a short conversation this could be easily solved. It is simply a waste of everyone’s time and lots of taxpayers’ money to take this to court.
FairTax BlogBurst
FairTax BlogburstBy TD in Crossposts, Fair Tax
There are many reasons to support the FairTax. I managed to do a little research, and found some rather unique points of view that I had not previously considered, and was reminded of some previously-covered ideas that are still worth mentioning.
- For the most part, the FairTax is voluntary. If you want to pay the tax, purchase a new house, car, motor home, etc. If you want to avoid the tax, purchase a used house, car, motor home, etc. The tax only applies to new items.
- No one will ever need to take out a loan to pay taxes, interest, or penalties again, as can all too often happen under our current system.
- Drug dealers and other criminals, as well as anyone else currently paid “under the table”, will pay taxes if they purchase new items. Ever seen a drug dealer driving a used car? Ever seen a pimp shopping at Goodwill? I didn’t think so.
- Lower income families working multiple jobs get a fantastic incentive to work now, knowing that zero Federal taxes will be withheld from their paychecks. Most of the money from the second job can be applied to whatever previously unaffordable luxury they wish — perhaps including, for the first time, a home of their own?
- With the abolition of the death tax, homes, farms, and land which might previously have had to be sold to satisfy the government’s unquenchable thirst for money can now be retained and kept in the family. In cases where the property has been in the family for multiple generations, can you imagine the gratitude of the family?
- Friends and family can now actually help each other out with tax-free assistance, since the gift tax will be abolished.
- Businesses can actually lower their cost of doing business since they won’t be paying the current 7.65% matching FICA tax for each employee.
- It’s even a good deal for the environment — think of all the paper we’ll save by not having to file taxes!
But even with all this, we must remember that the FairTax initiative is a grassroots effort. If your Senator or Representative does not support the FairTax, find out why. Then let them know that you do support it. Make phone calls, write letters. Let your friends and family know the details of the FairTax, and why you believe it is such a good deal for Americans. Only through the diligent and concerned efforts of ordinary citizens will these bills ever make it through to the floors of the House and Senate.
The FairTax Blogburst is jointly produced by Terry of The Right Track Blog and Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous. If you would like to host the weekly postings on your blog, please e-mail Terry or Jonathan. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. TD ABCD
Death Penalty? Maybe after 20 years!!!
THE SUPREME COURT AND THE DEATH PENALTYMORE BOORTZ June 13, 2006You already heard that yesterday the Supreme Court ruled that every single murderer on death row has at least one more appeal they can pursue. They can file an appeal claiming that their civil rights are being violated because (gasp!) that lethal injection might hurt! I could go on and on and on talking about the absurdity of this situation ... instead, let me just share an email we received from Debra in Oklahoma.My parents were murdered in Oct. 2003 in Depew OK by a man they didn't know. He entered their home when they were gone to use their house to watch for his girlfriend to come home across the street. He went into the closet, loaded my fathers shotgun and went to the fridge to find something to eat. My parents came home, found him there and he shot my mother in the back and beat my daddy in the head with the butt of the gun, then dragged their bodies into the bathroom and piled them on top of each other so he could continue to watch for the girlfriend to come home without them being in the way. He said in his confession that he could still hear the "old man" breathing. My parents were 70 and 76 years old. He then went across the street, shot the girlfriends 17 yr. old son (he survived) and beat up her mom, he then got away and thus ensued the largest and most expensive manhunt ever in the state of Oklahoma. His name was Scott Eizember. He now sits on death row. Tonight, I am the most livid person on the face of this earth. I wonder what in the hell the Supreme court is thinking.........or if they are. Obviously not one of them has ever lost a mother or father to violent murder. Victims have no voice after someone takes their life, but the killer seems to have one forever. It is quite possible that by the time they finally get around to killing the "evil demon" (as we refer to him), that there will be some new thing introduced to hold it up. There should be an express lane to go through to get rid of these Manson type beings, dare I call them human......they are not!!! The weird thing is, I work for the District Attorney in a small county in Oklahoma. I have been through hell and back and still continue to work for a system that itself, needs so much change, because I believe that even one voice can start a link to form a chain, so that justice will be served for victims families. Please urge everyone who listens to you to remember that there all people like me and my family out there who are left behind. Just to add a note to the left behind part........I am the oldest of 3 girls, my youngest sister was murdered, shot in the head by her boyfriend in 2005, we buried her on Sat. Feb. 5 and on Mon. Feb. 7, began attending the trial for Scott Eizember. The one good thing that happened with that situation is that the boyfriend turned the gun on himself. We have to trust the supreme court to stick a needle in Scott Eizember.Thanks for listening.And we wonder why violent crime is increasing? Could it possibly be because these bastards aren't being punished?
A Sad Day For Liberals Everywhere!!
It is a sad, sad day for liberals everywhere. There will be much whining and tantrum throwing as they find out that Karl Rove will not be indicted. I guess if Cynthia McKinney can't be indicted for hitting a capitol hill police officer in the face, Karl Rove can't be indicted for speaking Valerie Plame's (non-secret CIA agent) name."On June 12, 2006, special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald formally advised us that he does not anticipate seeking charges against Karl Rove," Rove's lawyer, Robert Luskin, said in a statement."We believe the special counsel's decision should put an end to the baseless speculation about Mr. Rove's conduct," Luskin said.Reuters has the story.This is just another in a long line of "shut up & sit down" directed at the democrats.
June 9 Attack of Gaza Beach
An Israeli navy gunboat fired shells onto a northern Gaza beach Friday, killing at least seven people and prompting the military wing of Hamas to call off a 16-month-old cease-fire with Israel. At least that is what is being shown by the media. There is a different story according to Palestinian Media Watch:Palestinian Authority TV has been repeatedly broadcasting a falsified video clip of the events surrounding the deaths of seven family members on the Gaza beach on Friday. In an attempt to blame Israel's navy for the deaths, PA TV took unrelated video of an Israeli missile boat firing at Gaza earlier in the day and edited them into the scenes, creating the impression Israeli responsibility.The Jerusalem Post tells why it couldn't have been Israel.The leading theory currently entertained, suggested that an explosive charge, buried by Palestinians on the Gaza beach to prevent Israeli infiltration, was behind the explosion. According to the findings, expected to be formally released on Tuesday, shrapnel taken from two wounded Palestinians who were evacuated to Israeli hospitals showed that the explosives were not made in Israel, IDF officials said. Moreover, the investigation noted the absence of a large enough crater at the site of the explosion, as would be expected if an IDF shell had landed there.I'll be waiting to see how the MSM reports this.
Document Linking Saddam & Taliban
Fox News has the story telling of links between Saddam Hussein and the Taliban.A newly released document appears to provide evidence that in 1999 the Taliban welcomed "Islamic relations with Iraq" to mediate among the Taliban, the Northern Alliance and Russia, and that the Taliban invited Iraqi officials to Afghanistan.The document, captured in Iraq but never before seen by the public, offers glimmers of new insight at the Pentagon's Foreign Military Studies Office Web site.World Net Daily has more.This is something you won't hear much about from the MSM. They were all too happy to report that there were no links between Saddam Hussein and the terrorists, but they rarely report anything pro-America or pro-Bush.For those of you who still think Islam is the so called "Religion of Peace", you might want to take a look at this chilling exerpt from a fatwa written by Bin Laden. On that basis, and in compliance with Allah's order, we issue the following fatwa to all Muslims: The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies — civilians and military — is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it.One of the signers of the fatwa is Fazlur Rehman Khalil. Khalil has strong ties to al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The newly found documents show links between him and Saddam in Iraq.Khalil was named as the recruiter of two Al Qaeda suspects arrested in California last year.The San Francisco Chronicle reported:According to a seven-page FBI affidavit, Hamid Hayat "after failing a lie-detector test" admitted having spent six months in a Pakistani camp where he trained to "kill Americans," using the images of high-ranking U.S. officials, including President Bush, as target practice.
When asked where he wanted to carry out his attacks, he chose the United States, he said.
Unapproved North American Partnership
World Net Daily:Mexico, Canada, United States partnership underway with no authorization from Congress. Despite having no authorization from Congress, the Bush administration has launched extensive working-group activity to implement a trilateral agreement with Mexico and Canada.
The membership of the working groups has not been published, nor has their work product been disclosed, despite two years of massive effort within the executive branches of the U.S., Mexico and Canada.
The groups, working under the North American Free Trade Association office in the Department of Commerce, are to implement the Security and Prosperity Partnership, or SPP, signed by President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and then-Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005.Geri Word, who heads the SPP office within the NAFTA office of the U.S. Department of Commerce affirmed to WND last Friday in a telephone interview that the membership of the working groups, as well as their work products, have not been published anywhere, including on the Internet.
Why the secrecy? "We did not want to get the contact people of the working groups distracted by calls from the public," said Word. Yeah, good idea. You wouldn't want the people you are supposedly working for to know what you are up to. You wouldn't have enough people to answer all the phone calls from angry citizens. You can send a coment to the SPP here.See my original post here.
New Jersey Bans Books??
I'm sure most people have heard of the controversy surrounding Ann Coulter's latest book, "Godless." Now two New Jersey Democrats, Joan Quigley and Linda Stender are pushing to ban the book from sales in their state.World Net Daily has more: "No one in New Jersey should buy this book and allow Ann Coulter to profit from her hate-mongering," the two (New Jersey legislators)
said in a joint statement. "We are asking New Jersey retailers statewide to stand with us and express their outrage by refusing to carry or sell copies of Coulter's book. Her hate-filled attacks on our 9-11 widows has no place on New Jersey bookshelves."Last time I checked, we in America had something called freedom of speech. Maybe these two assemblywomen need to be reminded of the rights of their citizens to make their own choices.Email Joan Quigley & Linda Stender if you want to ask them why New Jersey residents don't have the right to make their own decisions. Ask them why the first amendment doesn't apply to those in New Jersey.
Call Ms. Quigley at (201) 217-4614 or Ms. Stender at (908) 668-1900.What's next, state sponsored book burnings??Simon Dumenco, Ad Age columnist, even went as far as to suggest that Ann kill herself. "Would it kill you, "Godless" author Ann Coulter, to do us all a favor and kill yourself?"Watch out Ann, the scary liberals are mad now.More about New Jersey's attempt to abolish free speech at Free Republic, News Max, & The Conservative Voice.
Al-Zarqawi Killed By Blast
CNN: Col. Steve Jones says there was no evidence that al-Zarqawi was beaten or shot. "The injuries to his lungs were not survivable. That's what killed him."
"The personal threat of Zarqawi is eliminated," Maj. Gen. William Caldwell, spokesman for Multi-National Forces-Iraq, said. "He was treated better in death than he treated others in life."
Caldwell said he hoped that the autopsy results would serve to counter misinformation and propaganda regarding al-Zarqawi.
"We have clear evidence that he died of blast injuries. There is no evidence to suggest that he was beaten, and I have no reason to suspect that that happened," Jones said.
I hope this puts to rest the speculation that we beat him to death, although that woudn't be a bad way for the SOB to go. May the murderous thug rot in hell.
New Target Named
CNN reports that Al Qaeda in Iraq has named a successor to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, according to Islamist websites.The militant group's new leader as Sheikh Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, which means "the immigrant," indicating that he -- like the Jordanian-born al-Zarqawi -- is not Iraqi.
Al-Zarqawi Beaten To Death??
Was Al-Zarqawi Beaten After Bombing?? According to CBS News and Yahoo News he was.From CBS: An Iraqi man who was one of the first people on the scene of the U.S. airstrike targeting Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said he saw American troops beating a man who had a beard like the al Qaeda leader. The witness, who lives near the house where al-Zarqawi spent his last days, said he saw the man lying on the ground near an irrigation canal. He was badly wounded but still alive, the man told Associated Press Television News. U.S. troops arriving on the scene wrapped the man's head in an Arab robe and began beating him, said the local man, who refused to give his name or show his face to the camera. His account could not be independently verified.Anyone outside of the left is glad he's gone, but the MSM will have a field day with this. To them it is just another way to smear our troops and our country.
Saddam Had WMD
A captured document from the Saddam regime but left untranslated by the Pentagon describes the hiding of chemical-weapons materials and the location of their burial in Iraq.
I am quite sure this won't make any difference to the anti-Bush or anti-American left. They will still find reasons to smear America and the War On Terror no matter what.
FairTax BlogBurst
It’s Still Alive!by
Ms.UnderestimatedFolks, I told you about the good news Congressman John Linder gave us about an impending face-to-face with President Bush about the Fair Tax, and now the word is out! The Gwinnett Daily Post catches us up on this great news:FairTax still kicking 06/04/2006
By: Dave Williams
Many political observers were ready to bury U.S. Rep. John Linder’s FairTax bill last fall when President Bush’s tax reform commission gave the back of its hand to the proposed national sales tax.
The panel chose to recommend tweaking the current income tax system rather than such a dramatic overhaul of the way the federal government collects the revenue it needs to operate.
But the FairTax won’t go away. During a raucous public rally in Gwinnett County last month in support of the legislation, Linder, R-Duluth, announced that he is being offered an opportunity to present the bill to the president and House Republican leaders.
He will meet this week with the House GOP leadership, then head to the White House on a date yet to be set — accompanied by House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill. — to outline his bill to Bush.
So much for the demise of the FairTax.
“The national sales tax is very much like Freddy,’’ said University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato, referring to the main character in countless installments of the “Nightmare on Elm Street” horror movie series. “It just refuses to die.’’
See? I TOLD you so! It’s POSSIBLE! And that’s not all - the Gwinnett Rally was just the beginning:A capacity crowd of 4,500 jammed the Gwinnett Convention Center for last month’s rally, which featured Linder, Atlanta-based syndicated radio talk show host Neal Boortz and Sean Hannity of the Fox Television Network.
“We think there were 3,000 people turned away,’’ Linder said. “I was amazed.’’
The event was so successful that Linder and Boortz are talking about following it up with a series of rallies. Linder said they’re looking at Orlando, Fla., as the next stop.
Okay you guys, here’s your next chance. We gotta stick together and make this happen. If you live in the southeast (or anywhere else, for that matter), I urge you to call your local radio talk shows and implore them to get Neal Boortz, John Linder, Sean Hannity, and whoever else is on board with the Fair Tax, to come hold a rally in YOUR area! If we keep up this momentum, this could truly be a present-day Boston Tea Party that we have on our hands. It’s time to get the government out of our lives, and as John Linder said that night “it’s none of the government’s business how much money I make.” YES!
We’ve got to be vigilant, though, as well all know there are those detractors out there who want to stop us:
The FairTax also faces competition from other proposals aimed at overhauling the current system, including the flat tax on incomes once championed on the presidential campaign trail by Republican Steve Forbes.
“The vast majority agree the tax code needs drastic revision,’’ Sabato said. “The problem is nobody agrees on what the revision should be. … There just isn’t a national consensus for it or anything close to it.’’
But Sabato gives Linder high marks for persistence.
“He is trying to plant the seed,’’ Sabato said. “Who knows whether the seed may sprout and even flower? On the other hand, the seed may die in the ground.’’
My friends, we can’t let that seed die in the ground. We must keep nourishing it with our voices. If we can get 1, 2, 4 or 50 more rallies like this going, we will send a loud and clear message to Washington: “I WANT MY FAIR TAX!”
Also, send these radio stations copies of the Fair Tax book. I know it has been previously called for us to send copies to our representatives, but I’m sure they’ve gotten their copies already. It’s the people of this country we need to change - the Congress is hopeless. If your local talk show hosts can believe in this, then this movement will carry forward. You can buy them
here. The government cannot ignore an informed country. The time is now!
The FairTax Blogburst is jointly produced by Terry of
The Right Track Blog and Jonathan of
Publius Rendezvous. If you would like to host the weekly postings on your blog, please e-mail
Terry or
Jonathan. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll.
Ms. UnderestimatedRight TrackPublius RendezvousAND DON'T FORGET FairTax FOR THE FairTax Rally Photos!!!!
Slug A Cop...SO WHAT??
More than two months have passed since Rep. Cynthia McKinney slugged a Capitol Hill police officer, and still no indictment. The Gwinnett Daily Post has the story. Sadly it seems that a lot of people will vote for her again.‘‘Everybody is still behind her 150 percent,’’ said Parish Jordan, a 32-year-old Decatur car salesman, who says he plans to vote for McKinney in this year’s elections.
How long would you or I still be walking free if one of us assaulted a police officer?? Two months?? I'm willing to bet, not even two minutes.
Gay Marriage Horror
Neal Boortz sums it up:THAT BUSH .. HE'S REALLY IN TOUCH, ISN'T HE?
I had yet another sleepless night last night. It was awful. I woke up at about 1:30 and just couldn't get back to sleep again. You'll hear me yawning uncontrollably today on the show. Not good radio, but whatchagonnado?
And what kept me awake? Well ... I'm sure you're like me. At night, when the mind is otherwise cleared of the flotsam and jetsam of everyday life, those problems that really count, I mean those just awful and terrible problems you have, will come visiting ---- with a vengeance. So last night I'm lying there when suddenly I'm shocked by the realization that somewhere, perhaps even within a ten-mile radius of my home, my sanctuary, there might be two men or two women who truly love each other lying in their own bed as they sleep. Then ... this horrible thought. What if they wanted to get married? Well .. that was it for me. I should have just gone ahead and gotten up to start the day about four hours early. I spent the rest of the night worrying about the devastating impact on my own marriage and on my career that would surely follow if two gays or two lesbians were actually allowed to engage in some ceremony to show their love and lifetime devotion to one another. Why, I'm just not sure I could go on! What would be the purpose in life if two homosexuals were actually allowed to make that kind of commitment to each other?
Fortunately, help is on the way. Today we're going to have a big time presidential speech from the Rose Garden at 1:00. Frankly, I'm surprised they didn't plant a garden of pansies just for this incredible event. President Bush is going to set all of our minds at ease by coming out strongly for some sort of a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage. We've needed this for such a long time. I think that it is perfectly fitting for us to use the United States Constitution, a document that is dedicated to the preservation of our inalienable rights, to tell a certain specific group of people what they cannot do, rather than tell the government what it cannot do.
We don't need tax reform. We don't need an end to earmark pork spending in Congress. We don't need smaller government and school choice. We don't need real reform that would put medical care back into the competitive marketplace. We need none of those things. All is fine! What we need is a Constitutional Amendment that will keep two people who love each other, but who we don't consider to be normal -- not by our standards anyway -- to marry.
I know I'll sleep better tonight.
Toronto police Chief Bill Blair says the 17 men arrested in a Canadian terror plot were, “motivated by an ideology based on politics, hatred and terrorism, and not on faith,”
What he isn't saying, is that ideology is called Islam.
According to a Toronto Star article, police claim the terrorists were involved in a plot to stage a massive terrorist attack with explosives made from three tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer — three times the amount used in the Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168 people in 1995.Farhad Oryakhim, 17, an employee at an east-end shop, said he’s concerned about how Muslims in Canada are going to be treated in the wake of the arrests.
“It’s going to be a pretty hard time now,” Oryakhim said. ``After this incident, people are going to look at the Muslims from a dangerous view.”
Oryakhim said he fears that non-Muslim customers will stop patronizing businesses in the area that are run by Muslims.
“It’s going to hurt our businesses,” he said. “Our life.”If moderate Muslims are against the violent attacks perpetrated by terrorists, it is time for them to publicly denounce the violence. It is time for them to stand up against radical Islam. They worry that people will boycott their businesses now, they are afraid they will be hurt financially. What kind of financial implications would an attack of this size have had on Canada’s economy? It is time for the moderate, non-violent Muslims to speak out against these terrorists. It is time to take a stand. If they don’t differentiate themselves from the terrorists, how can anyone else? If they sit silently, they are not much better than the bad guys.
Dhimmi Watch reports:Following warnings by extremist Islamic group al-Muhajiroun, in which the group said that the red cross in the England flag symbolizes the 'blood thirsty crusaders' and the occupation of Muslims, some of the largest companies in England have ordered their workers not to wave the flags. The flag has recently appeared in England on everything from bikinis to cars, and sold in endless versions in stores. But the Islamic protest forced some corporations, such as cable companies NTL, Heathrow airport in London, and even the Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Agency to ban the flag in every form due to fears from reactions of Muslims.
Can you say dhimmitude?? I pity anyone who tries to get the American flag from the front of my house. This act of cowardice by England will not appease the Islamic group. Capitulation only invites more demands and less freedoms for the English people.Read more at Ynet, ProteinWisdomHat Tip to Carol at TheMedianSib for the Dhimmitude definition!!
More Than 50 Kidnapped In Iraq
Gunmen in police uniforms raided bus stations Monday in central Baghdad, seizing at least 50 people, including drivers and passengers preparing to travel outside Iraq. The attackers also grabbed people working in the area. The victims were herded into more than a dozen cars. It is not known who is behind the attack.
"They took all workers from the companies and nearby shops," said Haidar Mohammed Eleibi, who works for the Swan Transportation Co. in the Salihiya business district.
He said his brother and a cousin were among those detained, along with merchants, passers-by and even a vendor selling tea and sandwiches.
"They did not give any reason for it," he said. "Police came afterward and did nothing."
Another transportation worker, Amjad Hameed, said 15 cars belonging to police rushed to the area and began randomly seizing people. "We asked them why but nobody replied," he said, adding that Iraqi forces and Americans came to the site afterward.
The dramatic attack came a day after masked gunmen stopped two minivans carrying students north of Baghdad, ordered the passengers off, separated Shiites from Sunni Arabs, and killed the 21 Shiites "in the name of Islam," a witness said.
Haqi Ismail, a 48-year-old electrician, told The Associated Press that the attackers ordered the Shiites to lie down, and before they opened fire, one shouted, "On behalf of Islam, today we will dig a mass grave for you. You are traitors."
And Finally Some Good News...
Al Gore says he has all but ruled out running for president in 2008, saying the best use of his time is to educate people about global warming.
Doesn’t he realize there is no so called ‘Global Warming’? I suppose he does, since he admits to exaggerating it. Al Gore recently said, "Nobody is interested in solutions if they don't think there's a problem. Given that starting point, I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are, and how hopeful it is that we are going to solve this crisis." In reality, the Earth goes through natural periods of warming and cooling. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the global average surface temperature increased only about 0.6 degrees Celsius over the twentieth century. Most of that warming was before and during the 1940s, before industrialization. If global warming is caused by us, then why was it occurring so much before we really started to pollute the earth. Could it be that the Earth is still just warming from the 'Little Ice Age' of the 1800s?
University of Washington Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Maybe it isn't global warming at all, we are just getting back to the temperature we were at before the Earth cooled. But, if it keeps Al Gore from running for President let him get to it.
Soon to be befriended by the Hollywood elite...


A MEMORIAL TO THE FAMILY SLAIN IN THIS HOME ON THE EAST SIDE OF INDIANAPOLISDesmond Turner turned himself in Saturday to police, in connection with the brutal murders of 7 innocent victims. AP story here. This is the city's worst mass murder in at least 25 years. Police said they issued at least six search warrants after Thursday's shootings. "It's my judgment that Mr. Turner had nowhere to go," Deputy Police Chief Tim Foley said. "He didn't turn himself in out of remorse. He turned himself in because he had no place to go."CNN reports that Foley told reporters that Turner apparently intended to kill the victims before he entered the house.
"Mr. Turner made statements prior to the robbery that these people were pretty much presumed dead before they ever went in the house," he said.
The victims were found late Thursday by officers responding to a call of shots fired. The children, ages 11, 8 and 5, were found shot to death in the same bed.He is not a first time offender. Turner's criminal history includes convictions for firearm and drug offenses, as well as resisting arrest, Sgt. Matthew Mount said. He served about two years in prison for a 1997 conviction and two more for a 2001 conviction. He was paroled from prison in November. Indiana does have the death penalty, so you can expect to see the hollywood elite and the media circus crying and protesting the execution of this scumbag in about ten years. We should just turn him over to the remaining family members for punishment and save the taxpayers' money that will be wasted on this loser's trial and string of appeals.
Dhimmi Watch has disturbing news today about something occurring in Baghdad. The Taliban is giving some businesses an ultimatum to pack up and leave or be killed. They have been giving the reason that none of these businesses were around in the time of Mohammed, so they shouldn’t exist today. So far ice vendors and Falafel sellers have been targeted. They aren’t just empty threats either.The ultimatum seemed so odd that, at first, most laughed it off – until two of them were shot dead as they plied their trade.
Akram al Zidawi, 19, and ice seller from al Dora, thought the threats were too ludicrous to be true – until it was too late. “Two weeks ago he came back home saying that he had been threatened by the terrorists,” said his brother Gassan. “My mother begged him to quit the job, but he laughed, he thought it was impossible they would kill him. But they came back two days later and shot him dead, along with three other ice sellers nearby.”